17 October 2016

Female bullfighter is smashed into the ground by enraged bull(Photos)

French bullfighter Lea Vicens - who sparked anger among animal rights activists when she was pictured last year holding the severed ears of a bull which had gored her -was on the receiving end yesterday.
Lea, 31, was toppled from her horse by a bull during the El Pilar Feria tournament at La Misericordia bullring in Zaragoza, Spain,Daily Mail reports.
In May last year she was knocked off her horse by a bull which nearly killed her at a festival in her home town of Nimes in southern France. She later killed it and displayed its ears.

Lea, who is officially known as a rejoneadora - a bullfighter on horseback, had plunged two lances (known as banderillas) into the back of the animal before it managed to unseat her.
As she lay prone on the ground the beast tried to gore her with his horns. She managed to scramble to safety and lived to fight another day.

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