19 July 2016

Nick Cannon leads Black Lives Matters protest outside RNC in Cleveland

Nick Cannon joined Black Lives Matters protesters outside the Republican National Convention which started in Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday and attacked both the Democratic and the Republican parties. Nick stood in front of banners and posters calling for justice and an end to shootings of black men by police officers.

He said:

'We want to be respected. We want to feel safe. We want the American Dream.
'You are messing with our peace of mind. We can't operate as Americans when we can't walk outside and feel safe.
'We are going to be out here for the entire convention and make sure our voices are heard. 'My community brought me down here today and the lack of representation for my community brought me down here today.'
'Both aren't speaking about our issues and they have been taking our votes for granted for far too long. 'They would just sweep it under the rug and pretend it is not happening. We are just crying for help and we are losing lives by the hour.'

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